The Next Generation of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Researchers: Breaking through
To explore the effects of a wide range of influences on scientific research, including funding mechanisms, publishing models, career structures and governance processes.
Throughout 2014, the Council undertook a series of engagement activities that aimed to inform and advance debate about the ethical consequences of the culture of scientific research. The project aimed to explore the effects of a wide range of influences on scientific research, including funding mechanisms, publishing models, career structures and governance processes. This report summarises the findings of the project activities, which included a survey of almost 1000 scientists and others, and a series of discussion events at universities around the UK.
Reference of the resource
The culture of scientific research in the UK, Jonathan Montgomery, Sir Paul Nurse, Dame Jean Thomas, Dominic Tildesley, Sir John Tooke, Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 2014.