Research misconduct: what to do – Science Foundation Ireland
To address allegations of research misconduct with policies that are in accordance with the National Policy Statement on Ensuring Research Integrity in Ireland, the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and guidance released by the National Forum on Research Integrity.
Where the suspected or alleged misconduct relates directly or indirectly to a Research Programme supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funding, the Research Body must inform SFI as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days, in accordance with SFI’s Grant General Terms & Conditions. The Research Body is directed to Clause 11 of the SFI's Grant General Terms & Conditions, which addresses Research Governance/Prevention of Research Misconduct. A brief summary of the processes that should be followed is provided in the link below.
Reference of the resource
Research misconduct: what to do – Science Foundation Ireland.
Internal breaches of RI
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
All stakeholders of scientific research
Relevant organisational level(s):
System (macro level)
Institution (meso level)