Guidance and support

Managing research data according to the research lifecycle: a phased approach
To offer help with managing digital and non-digital research data for all disciplines.
Research Data Management covers all decisions made during the research lifecycle in handling research data, from the planning stage of your project up to and including the long-term preservation of research data. Good data management practices are essential in order to meet UCL standards of research integrity. Planning ahead for Research Data Management helps researchers at all levels to ensure data quality, minimize risks, save time and comply with legal, ethical, institutional and funding requirements. This guideline helps researchers and institutions by describing four essential steps towards responsible data management with the aim to improve how they manage their data and how they comply with GDPR.UCL guides are designed to mirror the lifecycle of a research project. They provide support at its various stages.
Reference of the resource
How-to Guides, Best Practices, Research Data Management, Research Support, University College London.
Data practices and management
Guidance and support
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
PhD candidates
Early career researchers
Senior researchers
Researchers in industry
Tenured faculty members
Members of Research Ethics Committees
Members of Research Integrity Offices/Bodies
Technicians in RPOs
RFO employees
Peer reviewers
Relevant organisational level(s):
Institution (meso level)
Individual (micro level)
Published/put into force: