A new article in Science Report.dk on how institutions – with and without research integrity policies – can use the SOPs4RI toolbox: https://sciencereport.dk/ny-viden/nyt-vaerktoej-styrker-integriteten-paa-din-forskningsinstitution/. Since it is in Danish, here are some main points below:
Institutions – research institutions as well as funders – with none or few RI policies in place can use our toolbox to develop a Research Integrity Promotion Plan. Guidelines for how to do this, which topics to focus on and templates can be found in www.sops4ri.eu/toolbox
Institutions that already have RI policies in place can use our toolbox to check if they have covered all relevant topics – and subtopics. Research institutions should cover nine main areas – and funders should cover six. They can also find inspiration in the 131 SOPs and guidelines in the toolbox for different RI areas (training, supervision, how to build a more positive research environment, etc.) to further develop their RI policies and plans.