
MedComm Good Publication Practices (MedComm GPP) guidelines
GPP3 is an update of the original Good Publication Practice (GPP) guidelines, which were originally published in 2003 and updated for the first time in 2009.
The ISMPP GPP3 Steering Committee has now brought the 2009 version of the guidelines for good publication practice (GPP2) up to date to increase the focus on integrity and transparency in industry-sponsored publication planning and development in today’s environment. In July 2016, GPP3 was translated into the Chinese language. In April 2019, GPP3 was translated into the Japanese language. Their availability serves to expand the reach of GPP3 to other regions in the world in an effort to broaden the adoption of the publication practices included in GPP3 and extend the focus on transparency and integrity of medical publications.
Reference of the resource
W.P. Battisti, E. Wager, L. Baltzer, D. Bridges, A. Cairns, C.I. Carswell, et al. Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research: GPP3. Ann Intern Med. 2015;163:461-464; doi:10.7326/M15-0288.
Publication and communication
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
Pre-graduate students
Post-graduate students
PhD candidates
Early career researchers
Senior researchers
Researchers in industry
Tenured faculty members
Members of Research Ethics Committees
Members of Research Integrity Offices/Bodies
Peer reviewers
Relevant organisational level(s):
System (macro level)
Institution (meso level)