Publication statement

COPE guidelines on good publication practice
Advisory rather than prescriptive guidelines on good publication practice that evolve over time.
COPE was founded in 1997 to address breaches of research and publication ethics. A voluntary body providing a discussion forum and advice for scientific editors, it aims to find practical ways of dealing with the issues, and to develop good practice. We thought it essential to attempt to define best practice in the ethics of scientific publishing. These guidelines should be useful for authors, editors, editorial board members, readers, owners of journals, and publishers. Intellectual honesty should be actively encouraged in all medical and scientific courses of study, and used to inform publication ethics and prevent misconduct. It is with that in mind that these guidelines have been produced.
Reference of the resource
COPE guidelines on good publication practice.
Publication and communication
Publication statement
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
Pre-graduate students
Post-graduate students
PhD candidates
Early career researchers
Senior researchers
Researchers in industry
Tenured faculty members
Research administrators
Members of Research Ethics Committees
Members of Research Integrity Offices/Bodies
Relevant organisational level(s):
System (macro level)
Institution (meso level)