RI bodies in the organisation

Concordat Self-Assessment Tool
The Concordat sets out five commitments that those engaged in research must implement to help ensure that the highest standards of rigour and integrity are maintained.
The Concordat allows for flexibility in how its commitments are implemented – it does not set out a restrictive ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, it can be challenging to put high-level statements on research standards into practice and many institutions and researchers have asked UKRIO for advice. UKRIO developed our Self-Assessment Tool to help institutions identify areas of their research practices, policies and culture that may need revision in order to comply with the Concordat. It also goes further than helping with compliance, allowing institutions to consider how they might carry out a broad implementation of the Concordat, building on existing activities to safeguard and enhance research quality and a healthy research culture.
Reference of the resource
Self-assessment tool for the Concordat to support research integrity (Version 2.0), 2014 and 2021 UK Research Integrity Office.
Dealing with breaches of RI
RI bodies in the organisation
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
Post-graduate students
PhD candidates
Early career researchers
Senior researchers
Relevant organisational level(s):
System (macro level)
Institution (meso level)
Published/put into force: