FAIR principles

Nature portfolio: Editorial policies
This educational course will educate new investigators about conducting responsible data management in scientific research.
The Nature Portfolio journals' editorial policies for primary scientific research can be found in these guidelines. The Nature Portfolio includes all journals with Nature in their name, the Communications journals, the Nature Portfolio journal series, Scientific Reports and Scientific Data. A list of these journals and a description of the relationship between them can be found here. In August 2015, the Nature Portfolio journals became members of the Committee on Publication Ethics. We will be guided by COPE guidelines; however, the Nature Portfolio journals will continue to make independent decisions based on our existing policies and principles.
Reference of the resource
Nature research journals - Nature portfolio: Editorial policies.
Data practices and management
FAIR principles
Type of resource:
Relevant discipline(s):
Relevant stakeholder(s):
Post-graduate students
PhD candidates
Early career researchers
Senior researchers
Research administrators
Members of Research Ethics Committees
Members of Research Integrity Offices/Bodies
Peer reviewers
Relevant organisational level(s):
System (macro level)
Institution (meso level)