Meet our team

Dr. Mads P. Sørensen

Project Coordinator

Aarhus University

Dr. Mads P. Sørensen

Department of Political Science – Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Aarhus University

Dr. Mads P. Sørensen is senior researcher at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University. He has a background in History of Ideas and is a specialist in social theory and qualitative research methods. His current research interests include: research integrity, key concepts and ideas in research policy (e.g. ‘excellence’),
current transformations in higher education, the changing conditions of knowledge production, non-knowledge, risk society, second modernity and social theory. He has published a number of books in English and Danish, for example, The Responsible University – Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond (co-editor/-author), Palgrave 2019/20; Social Theory: A Textbook (co-author), Routledge 2017; Ulrich Beck: An Introduction to the Theory of Second Modernity
and the Risk Society (co-author), Routledge 2013. He has also published scientific articles in journals such as Science and Public Policy; Higher Education; Theory, Culture and Society; Public Understanding of Science; Journal of Risk Research; Journal of the Knowledge Economy; European Journal of Higher Education; Media, Culture & Society.
Dr. Mads P. Sørensen is senior researcher at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University. He has a background in History of Ideas and is a specialist in social theory and qualitative research methods. His current research interests include: research integrity, key concepts and ideas in research policy (e.g. ‘excellence’), current transformations in higher education, the changing conditions of knowledge production, non-knowledge, risk society, second modernity and social theory. He has published a number of books in English and Danish, for example, The Responsible University – Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond (co-editor/-author), Palgrave 2019/20; Social Theory: A Textbook (co-author), Routledge 2017; Ulrich Beck: An Introduction to the Theory of Second Modernity and the Risk Society (co-author), Routledge 2013. He has also published scientific articles in journals such as Science and Public Policy; Higher Education; Theory, Culture and Society; Public Understanding of Science; Journal of Risk Research; Journal of the Knowledge Economy; European Journal of Higher Education; Media, Culture & Society.

Prof. Niels Mejlgaard

Project Member

Aarhus University

Prof. Niels Mejlgaard

Department of Political Science – Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Aarhus University

Professor at the Department of Political Science and Associate Dean at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University. His work focuses on research policy and governance, with particular interest in issues related to responsibility and integrity in research practices. He did his PhD at Aalborg University on the notion of scientific citizenship. From 2011-18, he was the director of the
Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. He has led or participated in several European and national research projects (including MASIS, STEPE, ResAGorA, MoRRI, HEIRRI, ENERI, SUPER MoRRI, and NewHoRRIzon). He has advised the EC, national governments, and institutions on issues related to research policy, RRI, evaluation, and development of indicators of RRI and public understanding of
science and controversial technologies. He presently serves on the editorial board of Public Understanding of Scienceand his work has appeared in leading field journals, including Science and Public Policy, Science and Engineering Ethics, Science as Culture, Research Evaluation, Environmental Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Informetrics, and Journal of Science Communication.
Professor at the Department of Political Science and Associate Dean at the Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University. His work focuses on research policy and governance, with particular interest in issues related to responsibility and integrity in research practices. He did his PhD at Aalborg University on the notion of scientific citizenship. From 2011-18, he was the director of the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy. He has led or participated in several European and national research projects (including MASIS, STEPE, ResAGorA, MoRRI, HEIRRI, ENERI, SUPER MoRRI, and NewHoRRIzon). He has advised the EC, national governments, and institutions on issues related to research policy, RRI, evaluation, and development of indicators of RRI and public understanding of science and controversial technologies. He presently serves on the editorial board of Public Understanding of Scienceand his work has appeared in leading field journals, including Science and Public Policy, Science and Engineering Ethics, Science as Culture, Research Evaluation, Environmental Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Journal of Informetrics, and Journal of Science Communication.

Dr. Tine Ravn

Project Member

Aarhus University

Dr. Tine Ravn

Department of Political Science – Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Aarhus University

Tine Ravn is an assistant professor at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science and Governance at Aarhus University. Her work broadly concerns the relationship between science and society with a particular focus on the social aspects of emerging technologies, public engagement with science and society, research integrity and responsible research and innovation.
Her PhD research addressed socio-cultural aspects of reproductive technologies in relation to new family constellations, gender and identity. Methodically, a number of qualitative research techniques including in-depth biographical narrative interviews, observation and policy analysis were applied. Tine has been involved in a number of European projects on gender diversity in research (WHILST); on indicators of research and innovation (MORRI); on science communication and public engagement
(MASIS, PLACES, PE2020) and on research ethics/research integrity (ENERI). She currently participates in a Danish agency funded project on Practices, Perceptions, and Patterns of Research Integrity (PRINT) and in the European Horizon 2020 project on designing operating procedures for research integrity(SOPS4RI). She also leads the work package to evaluate five transformative RRI experiments in the European Horizon 2020 project TeRRItoria
Tine Ravn is an assistant professor at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science and Governance at Aarhus University. Her work broadly concerns the relationship between science and society with a particular focus on the social aspects of emerging technologies, public engagement with science and society, research integrity and responsible research and innovation. Her PhD research addressed socio-cultural aspects of reproductive technologies in relation to new family constellations, gender and identity. Methodically, a number of qualitative research techniques including in-depth biographical narrative interviews, observation and policy analysis were applied. Tine has been involved in a number of European projects on gender diversity in research (WHILST); on indicators of research and innovation (MORRI); on science communication and public engagement (MASIS, PLACES, PE2020) and on research ethics/research integrity (ENERI). She currently participates in a Danish agency funded project on Practices, Perceptions, and Patterns of Research Integrity (PRINT) and in the European Horizon 2020 project on designing operating procedures for research integrity(SOPS4RI). She also leads the work package to evaluate five transformative RRI experiments in the European Horizon 2020 project TeRRItoria

Dr. Serge P.J.M. Horbach

WP4, WP6 and WP7 Member

Aarhus University

Dr. Serge P.J.M. Horbach

Department of Political Science – Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Aarhus University

Dr. Serge P.J.M. Horbach is a postdoctoral fellow at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. Trained as a mathematician, he currently works within the field of Science and Technology Studies, and the Social Studies of Science. His main research interests include scholarly communication, research evaluation and science’s quality assurance mechanisms,
with a particular focus on research integrity and academic journal peer review. His previous research addressed the spread of problematic research throughout the academic literature, as well as ways to prevent this by means of organisational research integrity policies and innovative journal peer review practices.
He currently works on diverse issues relating to research integrity, open science, and public trust in science. In addition, he has recently been studying the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on academic publishing and peer review practices.
Dr. Serge P.J.M. Horbach is a postdoctoral fellow at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. Trained as a mathematician, he currently works within the field of Science and Technology Studies, and the Social Studies of Science. His main research interests include scholarly communication, research evaluation and science’s quality assurance mechanisms, with a particular focus on research integrity and academic journal peer review. His previous research addressed the spread of problematic research throughout the academic literature, as well as ways to prevent this by means of organisational research integrity policies and innovative journal peer review practices. He currently works on diverse issues relating to research integrity, open science, and public trust in science. In addition, he has recently been studying the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on academic publishing and peer review practices.

Anna-Kathrine Bendtsen

Research Assistant, WP5

Aarhus University

Anna-Kathrine Bendtsen

Department of Political Science – Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Aarhus University

Research assistant at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy at Aarhus University (CFA). Holds a master degree in Political Science from Aarhus University.
Experienced in qualitative methodologies of design, data collection and analysis and many practical hands-on matters of coordinating practical research tasks.
In SOPs4RI involved in the focus group study with the task of organizing the 10 focus group conducted by Aarhus University and later coding all 32 focus groups.
Research assistant at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy at Aarhus University (CFA). Holds a master degree in Political Science from Aarhus University. Experienced in qualitative methodologies of design, data collection and analysis and many practical hands-on matters of coordinating practical research tasks. In SOPs4RI involved in the focus group study with the task of organizing the 10 focus group conducted by Aarhus University and later coding all 32 focus groups.

Prof Dr. Lex Bouter

WP4 Member

Amsterdam UMC

Prof Dr. Lex Bouter

Professor of Epidemiology and Scientific Director of the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam

He obtained MSc degree in Medical Biology (1982) and PhD in Epidemiology at the Maastricht University. In 1988 he published a Dutch textbook on epidemiology, the seventh revised edition of which appeared in 2016. In 1992 Bouter took up a tenured position as Professor of Epidemiology and Scientific Director of the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. He was Editor (1996-2002) and Editor-in-Chief (2002-2006) of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group. From 2001 until 2006 he additionally chaired of one of the six divisions at the VU University Medical Center.
He was president of the Netherlands Epidemiological Society (1996-1997), member of the Health Council of the Netherlands (2001-2013), vice-chair and methodologist of the Dutch Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects (2001-2013), and chair of the program committee of the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (since 2009). From 2006 until 2013 he was Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In this function he focused on combining research groups in interdisciplinary research institutes.
Also as rector Lex pleaded for attention for the societal impact of research, and for attention for the dilemmas around scientific integrity. In 2014 his tenured professorship was broadened to Methodology and Integrity. He is currently involved in teaching and research regarding responsible conduct of research, questionable research practices and research misconduct (i.e. the ARCA project). He organized and will organise and co-chair the World Conferences on Research Integrity in Amsterdam (2017) and Hong Kong (2019). He is a member of the advisory boards of ENERI, VIR2TUE, EnTIRE and PRINTEGER.
He obtained MSc degree in Medical Biology (1982) and PhD in Epidemiology at the Maastricht University. In 1988 he published a Dutch textbook on epidemiology, the seventh revised edition of which appeared in 2016. In 1992 Bouter took up a tenured position as Professor of Epidemiology and Scientific Director of the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. He was Editor (1996-2002) and Editor-in-Chief (2002-2006) of the Cochrane Collaboration Back Review Group. From 2001 until 2006 he additionally chaired of one of the six divisions at the VU University Medical Center. He was president of the Netherlands Epidemiological Society (1996-1997), member of the Health Council of the Netherlands (2001-2013), vice-chair and methodologist of the Dutch Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects (2001-2013), and chair of the program committee of the Innovative Medical Devices Initiative of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (since 2009). From 2006 until 2013 he was Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In this function he focused on combining research groups in interdisciplinary research institutes. Also as rector Lex pleaded for attention for the societal impact of research, and for attention for the dilemmas around scientific integrity. In 2014 his tenured professorship was broadened to Methodology and Integrity. He is currently involved in teaching and research regarding responsible conduct of research, questionable research practices and research misconduct (i.e. the ARCA project). He organized and will organise and co-chair the World Conferences on Research Integrity in Amsterdam (2017) and Hong Kong (2019). He is a member of the advisory boards of ENERI, VIR2TUE, EnTIRE and PRINTEGER.

Dr. Joeri Tijdink

WP4 Leader

Department of medical humanities – VUmc

Dr. Joeri Tijdink

Department of medical humanities Amsterdam University Medical Center, location VUmc, Amsterdam

Joeri Tijdink is an assistant professor and psychiatrist at the medical humanities department of the Amsterdam University Medical center (location VUmc) and am also affiliated with the department of Philosophy of the VU University in Amsterdam. He finished his PhD in 2016, entitled ‘Publish and Perish: Research on research and researchers’ (see link and link) that aimed to uncover the major pitfalls in contemporary publication practices with a focus on the role of individual factors experienced by biomedical scientists (burnout symptomatology, publication pressure and personality traits).
Within this area he undertook several research projects that tried to uncover the major causes of research misbehavior. My special interest focusses on the role of publication pressure in contemporary publication culture and to what extent personality factors can be a risk factor for research misbehavior. Furthermore, he (with colleagues) has tested interventions that aim to foster responsible research practices and a responsible research climate. Tijdink argues that we should be more aware of how emotional states of scientists (and medical doctors) can influence scientific practices and undermine (medical) decision making and collaboration.
To this end, he published a self-help guide for researchers entitled ‘Scientist on the Sofa; How to survive in academia’. He is also involved in several research projects that aim to improve the validity of research results by predicting clinical trial quality. He is an editor of the Dutch Journal of Medicine ( and co-founder and editor of the Dutch platform for young psychiatrists (, @jongepsychiater) that focuses on translation of psychiatric research into clinical practice.
Joeri Tijdink is an assistant professor and psychiatrist at the medical humanities department of the Amsterdam University Medical center (location VUmc) and am also affiliated with the department of Philosophy of the VU University in Amsterdam. He finished his PhD in 2016, entitled ‘Publish and Perish: Research on research and researchers’ (see link and link) that aimed to uncover the major pitfalls in contemporary publication practices with a focus on the role of individual factors experienced by biomedical scientists (burnout symptomatology, publication pressure and personality traits). Within this area he undertook several research projects that tried to uncover the major causes of research misbehavior. My special interest focusses on the role of publication pressure in contemporary publication culture and to what extent personality factors can be a risk factor for research misbehavior. Furthermore, he (with colleagues) has tested interventions that aim to foster responsible research practices and a responsible research climate. Tijdink argues that we should be more aware of how emotional states of scientists (and medical doctors) can influence scientific practices and undermine (medical) decision making and collaboration. To this end, he published a self-help guide for researchers entitled ‘Scientist on the Sofa; How to survive in academia’. He is also involved in several research projects that aim to improve the validity of research results by predicting clinical trial quality. He is an editor of the Dutch Journal of Medicine ( and co-founder and editor of the Dutch platform for young psychiatrists (, @jongepsychiater) that focuses on translation of psychiatric research into clinical practice.

Krishma Labib

WP4 Member

Department of medical humanities – VUmc

Krishma Labib

Department of medical humanities Amsterdam University Medical Center, location VUmc, Amsterdam

Krishma holds an MSc in Fundamental Neuroscience from Maastricht University. She also obtained her MA in Philosophy, Bioethics and Health from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She was previously involved as a project assistant in the EU projects EnTIRE and VIRT2UE.
She is currently a PhD candidate, with her research focused the EU project SOPs4RI. Krishma’s involvement in the project includes consulting with different research stakeholders, using mixed-methods, to provide recommendations on the contents of the SOPs4RI toolbox.
Krishma is also involved in the teaching of two courses in the Philosophy, Bioethics and Health Master at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam: Ethics of Medical Research and Moral Reasoning in Healthcare. Additionally, she is involved in the development of the online module of the research integrity course at the AmsterdamUMC, location VUmc.
Krishma holds an MSc in Fundamental Neuroscience from Maastricht University. She also obtained her MA in Philosophy, Bioethics and Health from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She was previously involved as a project assistant in the EU projects EnTIRE and VIRT2UE. She is currently a PhD candidate, with her research focused the EU project SOPs4RI. Krishma’s involvement in the project includes consulting with different research stakeholders, using mixed-methods, to provide recommendations on the contents of the SOPs4RI toolbox. Krishma is also involved in the teaching of two courses in the Philosophy, Bioethics and Health Master at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam: Ethics of Medical Research and Moral Reasoning in Healthcare. Additionally, she is involved in the development of the online module of the research integrity course at the AmsterdamUMC, location VUmc.

Prof. Ana Marušić

WP3 Leader

University of Split

Prof. Ana Marušić

Professor of Anatomy, Chair of the Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Professor of Anatomy and Chair of the Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health at the University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia. Prof Marušić holds an Honorary Professorship at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. She is the Co-editor in Chief of the Journal of Global Health. She chairs the Research Committee of the World Association of Medical Editors. Prof. Marušić is the founder of the Cochrane Croatia and takes
responsibility for Research as its Research Coordinator. She is on the Steering Group of the EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality And Transparency Of Health Research) Network, and Co-Chair of the Cochrane Scientific Committee. She is also on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Center for Biomedical Research Transparency. Prof. Marušić has been the President of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE) and European Association of Science Editors, as well as the member of the International Committee of Medical Journal editors (ICMJE).
She has a number of significant academic achievements, including authorship of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and was heavily involved with creating the policy of mandatory registration of clinical trials in public registries, which helped change the legal regulation of clinical trials worldwide. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Republic of Croatia National Order for achievements in science and a Meritorious Award from the Council of Science Editors.
Professor of Anatomy and Chair of the Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health at the University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia. Prof Marušić holds an Honorary Professorship at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. She is the Co-editor in Chief of the Journal of Global Health. She chairs the Research Committee of the World Association of Medical Editors. Prof. Marušić is the founder of the Cochrane Croatia and takes responsibility for Research as its Research Coordinator. She is on the Steering Group of the EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality And Transparency Of Health Research) Network, and Co-Chair of the Cochrane Scientific Committee. She is also on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Center for Biomedical Research Transparency. Prof. Marušić has been the President of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE) and European Association of Science Editors, as well as the member of the International Committee of Medical Journal editors (ICMJE). She has a number of significant academic achievements, including authorship of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and was heavily involved with creating the policy of mandatory registration of clinical trials in public registries, which helped change the legal regulation of clinical trials worldwide. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Republic of Croatia National Order for achievements in science and a Meritorious Award from the Council of Science Editors.

Rea Ščepanović

WP3 Member

University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Rea Ščepanović

Department of Research in Biomedicine and Health University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia

Rea Ščepanović holds a master degree in law. She is a PhD student enrolled in the doctoral school TRIBE at the University of Split.
In 2019 she obtained the Data Protection Officer Certification from the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity, Maastricht University.
She works on two EU-Projects: VIRT2UE and SOPs4RI.
Rea Ščepanović holds a master degree in law. She is a PhD student enrolled in the doctoral school TRIBE at the University of Split. In 2019 she obtained the Data Protection Officer Certification from the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity, Maastricht University. She works on two EU-Projects: VIRT2UE and SOPs4RI.

Prof. Nick Allum

WP6 Leader

University of Essex

Prof. Nick Allum

Professor of Research Methodology University of Essex

He has written more than 50 papers, chapters and reports. He is Professor of Research Methodology at the University of Essex and a research associate at ISER (Essex). He is Principal Investigator of the Essex ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (a vehicle for funding research impact-related activity). He has carried out important work in the public understanding
of science and in survey methodology, particularly in relation to the measurement of, correlates and consequences of science knowledge. Between 2011 and 2017 he served as General Secretary of the European Survey Research Association. He received his PhD in 2005 from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Presently, he is on the editorial boards of Science Communication and Public Understanding of Science.
He has been involved in several EU-funded projects, BEP, EUDEB and STEPE which dealt with public attitudes to science and technology in Europe. He has advised Wellcome Trust, the US National Science Foundation and UK Dept of Business Industry and Skills on the design of surveys about science and technology.
He has written more than 50 papers, chapters and reports. He is Professor of Research Methodology at the University of Essex and a research associate at ISER (Essex). He is Principal Investigator of the Essex ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (a vehicle for funding research impact-related activity). He has carried out important work in the public understanding of science and in survey methodology, particularly in relation to the measurement of, correlates and consequences of science knowledge. Between 2011 and 2017 he served as General Secretary of the European Survey Research Association. He received his PhD in 2005 from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Presently, he is on the editorial boards of Science Communication and Public Understanding of Science. He has been involved in several EU-funded projects, BEP, EUDEB and STEPE which dealt with public attitudes to science and technology in Europe. He has advised Wellcome Trust, the US National Science Foundation and UK Dept of Business Industry and Skills on the design of surveys about science and technology.

Teodora Konach

WP7 Leader

Austrian Agency for Research Integrity

Teodora Konach

OeAWI – Austrian Agency for Research Integrity

Teodora Konach holds a master degree in law (specialism Intellectual Property Rights) and cultural heritage studies, and she obtained a postgraduate education in cultural management.
She is a PhD candidate and worked as a junior researcher, lecturer and project team member at several European universities and in research institutions.
Since September 2019 Teodora works with the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity, on two EU-Projects:VIRT2UE and SOPs4RI. She is also involved in organising and giving trainings and workshops.
Teodora Konach holds a master degree in law (specialism Intellectual Property Rights) and cultural heritage studies, and she obtained a postgraduate education in cultural management. She is a PhD candidate and worked as a junior researcher, lecturer and project team member at several European universities and in research institutions. Since September 2019 Teodora works with the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity, on two EU-Projects:VIRT2UE and SOPs4RI. She is also involved in organising and giving trainings and workshops.

Mathieu Rochambeau

WP7 Member

Austrian Agency for Research Integrity

Mathieu Rochambeau

OeAWI – Austrian Agency for Research Integrity

Mathieu Rochambeau holds a master degree in political science with a focus on international relations. Having expertise in social sciences, he obtained two bachelor degrees in history and sociology.
He has throughout his academic and professional experiences particularly focused on international relations, conflicts, human rights and gender. Mathieu has experience working as researcher and project associate in research institutions,
non-governmental and international organisations. He joined OeAWI (the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity) in July 2021 where he is now supporting the EU-Projects SOPs4RI and ROSiE.
Mathieu Rochambeau holds a master degree in political science with a focus on international relations. Having expertise in social sciences, he obtained two bachelor degrees in history and sociology. He has throughout his academic and professional experiences particularly focused on international relations, conflicts, human rights and gender. Mathieu has experience working as researcher and project associate in research institutions, non-governmental and international organisations. He joined OeAWI (the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity) in July 2021 where he is now supporting the EU-Projects SOPs4RI and ROSiE.

Prof. Costas A. Charitidis

WP2 Leader

National Technical University of Athens

Prof. Costas A. Charitidis

Professor, School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens, Director of Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA (Director of Department of Materials Science and Engineering), with extensive R&D experience through collaborations with international research centres. Co-author of “Research Ethics: A comprehensive strategy on how to minimize research misconduct and the potential misuse of research in EU funded research” (2010), ‘Data protection and privacy ethical guidelines, 2009’, ‘ETHICS REVIEW-Lessons Learned, 2008’.
President of the Organizing Committee of the conference entitled ‘Towards the Ethics of Research in the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and the National Strategic Framework for Research, Techno-logical Development and Innovation (ESPEK)” (National Technical University of Athens, 2-3 April (2012). He was evaluator for the ethical part of proposals, in the framework of theERC-AdG, H2020-ICT, H2020-SMEINST, H2020-LCE-RES-CCS-RIA, H2020-INEA, H2020-MSCA-RISE, H2020-EIC-SME-INSTRUMENT, H2020-EIC-FTI and H2020-MSCA-IF. He is appointed representative of the Ethics Committee of NTUA and
coordinates the Advisory Ethics Committee of NTUA. He was a member of the panel of seven experts, who drafted the guidelines for the operation of Ethical Committees at an institutional level, at the end of 2017. The document has legal mandate and is part of the new legal framework for the Greek Educational system and will address both issues of Research Ethics and Research Integrity.
Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA (Director of Department of Materials Science and Engineering), with extensive R&D experience through collaborations with international research centres. Co-author of “Research Ethics: A comprehensive strategy on how to minimize research misconduct and the potential misuse of research in EU funded research” (2010), ‘Data protection and privacy ethical guidelines, 2009’, ‘ETHICS REVIEW-Lessons Learned, 2008’. President of the Organizing Committee of the conference entitled ‘Towards the Ethics of Research in the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and the National Strategic Framework for Research, Techno-logical Development and Innovation (ESPEK)” (National Technical University of Athens, 2-3 April (2012). He was evaluator for the ethical part of proposals, in the framework of theERC-AdG, H2020-ICT, H2020-SMEINST, H2020-LCE-RES-CCS-RIA, H2020-INEA, H2020-MSCA-RISE, H2020-EIC-SME-INSTRUMENT, H2020-EIC-FTI and H2020-MSCA-IF. He is appointed representative of the Ethics Committee of NTUA and coordinates the Advisory Ethics Committee of NTUA. He was a member of the panel of seven experts, who drafted the guidelines for the operation of Ethical Committees at an institutional level, at the end of 2017. The document has legal mandate and is part of the new legal framework for the Greek Educational system and will address both issues of Research Ethics and Research Integrity.

Dr. Panagiotis Kavouras

WP2, WP5, WP6, and WP7 Member

National Technical University of Athens

Dr. Panagiotis Kavouras

Senior researcher, School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens

A Physicist by degree, with an MSc in Materials Science and Technology and a PhD in Physics focused on Technology of Materials. Currently, his main research interests are characterization of mechanical properties with indentation methods at various length scales and the built up of a metrological approach for the calculation of Surface Free Energy through nano-indentation. His early career research interest was synthesis and characterization of vitreous and
glass-ceramic silica-based materials for industrial solid waste management. He is the author of 42 published papers (38 ISI), 1 book chapter, 1 textbook. He has participated in 63 scientific conferences and workshops. Another side of his activities in funneled through his participation in four H2020 “Science with and for Society” projects, while he has participated in a Tender project related with Dual Use research in key enabling technologies.
He is one of the contact persons and member of the coordinating team of Ethical Aspects in Research and Technology for Human network (EARTHnet), member of the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO), through his participation in EARTHnet and member of the European Network for Ombuds in Higher Education (ENOHE). He is also the national correspondent for Greece in the context of SUPER-MoRRI project.
A Physicist by degree, with an MSc in Materials Science and Technology and a PhD in Physics focused on Technology of Materials. Currently, his main research interests are characterization of mechanical properties with indentation methods at various length scales and the built up of a metrological approach for the calculation of Surface Free Energy through nano-indentation. His early career research interest was synthesis and characterization of vitreous and glass-ceramic silica-based materials for industrial solid waste management. He is the author of 42 published papers (38 ISI), 1 book chapter, 1 textbook. He has participated in 63 scientific conferences and workshops. Another side of his activities in funneled through his participation in four H2020 “Science with and for Society” projects, while he has participated in a Tender project related with Dual Use research in key enabling technologies. He is one of the contact persons and member of the coordinating team of Ethical Aspects in Research and Technology for Human network (EARTHnet), member of the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO), through his participation in EARTHnet and member of the European Network for Ombuds in Higher Education (ENOHE). He is also the national correspondent for Greece in the context of SUPER-MoRRI project.

Prof. Dr. Sarah de Rijcke

WP3 and WP5 Member

Leiden University

Prof. Dr. Sarah de Rijcke

Professor in Science and Evaluation Studies at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University

Sarah de Rijcke is Professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, and co-chair of the new Research on Research Institute (RoRI). Sarah specializes in social studies of research evaluation,
which she considers in relation to epistemic cultures, knowledge infrastructures, evaluation processes, and roles of research in and for society. She has developed a strong international public academic presence with outreach activities in science policy, speaking frequently on the
topic of research evaluation and metrics uses. Her present research is funded by grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and from the The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).
Sarah de Rijcke is Professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, and co-chair of the new Research on Research Institute (RoRI). Sarah specializes in social studies of research evaluation, which she considers in relation to epistemic cultures, knowledge infrastructures, evaluation processes, and roles of research in and for society. She has developed a strong international public academic presence with outreach activities in science policy, speaking frequently on the topic of research evaluation and metrics uses. Her present research is funded by grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and from the The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).

Dr. Maura Hiney

WP4 Member

Health Research Board Ireland

Dr. Maura Hiney

Head of Post-Award and Evaluation at the Health Research Board Ireland (HRB)

Head of Post-Award and Evaluation at the Health Research Board Ireland (HRB). She holds a PhD in Molecular Diagnostics and Epizootology from the National University of Ireland Galway. From 1990-1999 she worked as a senior researcher and managed a disease diagnostics service for the Irish fisheries industry and from 2000-2007 Maura was Head of Research Support Services for NUI Galway. Internationally, Maura chaired a Working Groups of the ESF Forum on Research Integrity (RI) and was chair of the Science Europe Working Group on RI that produced several key reports on funding agency responsibilities in ensuring RI.
In 2015 she acted as advisor to the Luxembourg Ministry for Research and Education, during the Luxembourg Presidency of the EU, culminating in adoption of Ministerial Competitive Council Conclusions on Research Integrity in November 2015. More recently she chaired the All European Academies (ALLEA) Permanent Working Group Science and Ethics Drafting Group to revise the European Code of Conduct on Research Integrity, which was launched by Commissioner Moedas in March 2017. She is a Vice-chair of the European Network of RI Offices (ENRIO) and sits on the Advisory Boards of the EU-funded EnTIRE and VIRT2UE projects. She contributed modules on RIand evaluation to the European Academy
of Taxation and Law course for senior university administrators across Europe and has presented keynote addresses on various policy elements of research integrity and evaluation at the 5thand 6thWorld Conferences on RI and the 10th EUA-CDE Workshop on RI Education and Training, as well as contributing to many other international conferences. In Ireland, she is a member of the National Forum on RI, was one of the authors of the National Policy on Ensuring Integrity in Irish Research and chaired a working group that published a 2019 revision of the Irish policy in line with the revised European Code of Conduct on RI.
Head of Post-Award and Evaluation at the Health Research Board Ireland (HRB). She holds a PhD in Molecular Diagnostics and Epizootology from the National University of Ireland Galway. From 1990-1999 she worked as a senior researcher and managed a disease diagnostics service for the Irish fisheries industry and from 2000-2007 Maura was Head of Research Support Services for NUI Galway. Internationally, Maura chaired a Working Groups of the ESF Forum on Research Integrity (RI) and was chair of the Science Europe Working Group on RI that produced several key reports on funding agency responsibilities in ensuring RI. In 2015 she acted as advisor to the Luxembourg Ministry for Research and Education, during the Luxembourg Presidency of the EU, culminating in adoption of Ministerial Competitive Council Conclusions on Research Integrity in November 2015. More recently she chaired the All European Academies (ALLEA) Permanent Working Group Science and Ethics Drafting Group to revise the European Code of Conduct on Research Integrity, which was launched by Commissioner Moedas in March 2017. She is a Vice-chair of the European Network of RI Offices (ENRIO) and sits on the Advisory Boards of the EU-funded EnTIRE and VIRT2UE projects. She contributed modules on RIand evaluation to the European Academy of Taxation and Law course for senior university administrators across Europe and has presented keynote addresses on various policy elements of research integrity and evaluation at the 5thand 6thWorld Conferences on RI and the 10th EUA-CDE Workshop on RI Education and Training, as well as contributing to many other international conferences. In Ireland, she is a member of the National Forum on RI, was one of the authors of the National Policy on Ensuring Integrity in Irish Research and chaired a working group that published a 2019 revision of the Irish policy in line with the revised European Code of Conduct on RI.

Dr. Thed van Leeuwen

Senior Researcher

Leiden University

Dr. Thed van Leeuwen

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) – Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University

Senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands. He is co-leading the research theme on Open Science. As a member of the Science and Evaluation Studies research group, Thed is involved in the evaluation of research—in particular in the social sciences, law and the humanities—as well in the ways research quality is perceived. The overarching science policy context under which
research assessments are organized and the role of bibliometric indicators therein are of major concern for this research agenda. He has been involved in PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), an EC funded project on integrity and responsible research, and in R-Quest, an international collaborative study funded by the Norwegian Research Council, in which research quality is a central research topic. Within Leiden University, Thed teaches in the CWTS
Minor Science & Technology in Society (StiS), as well as the in Honors Class The academic Life. He teaches frequently elsewhere on such topics as scientometrics, scientific communication, research integrity and policy/politics. Thed is co-editor of the OUP journal Research Evaluation, as well as chairing the international professional organization of indicator designers (European Network of Indicator Designers, ENID).
Senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands. He is co-leading the research theme on Open Science. As a member of the Science and Evaluation Studies research group, Thed is involved in the evaluation of research—in particular in the social sciences, law and the humanities—as well in the ways research quality is perceived. The overarching science policy context under which research assessments are organized and the role of bibliometric indicators therein are of major concern for this research agenda. He has been involved in PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research), an EC funded project on integrity and responsible research, and in R-Quest, an international collaborative study funded by the Norwegian Research Council, in which research quality is a central research topic. Within Leiden University, Thed teaches in the CWTS Minor Science & Technology in Society (StiS), as well as the in Honors Class The academic Life. He teaches frequently elsewhere on such topics as scientometrics, scientific communication, research integrity and policy/politics. Thed is co-editor of the OUP journal Research Evaluation, as well as chairing the international professional organization of indicator designers (European Network of Indicator Designers, ENID).

Andrea Reyes Elizondo


Leiden University

Andrea Reyes Elizondo

Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) – Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University

Researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), PhD candidate at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), and co-chair of the Dutch book Historians Association (NBV). One of her research lines focuses on research integrity as experienced
and enacted by researchers as well as academic editors and publishers. For this she was previously involved in Promoting integrity as an integral dimension of excellence in research (Printeger). She is also involved in the Leiden Ranking and European research infrastructure for science,
technology and innovation policy studies 2 (RISIS2) projects, where she focuses on the networks between academic institutions and health science systems around the world
Researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), PhD candidate at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), and co-chair of the Dutch book Historians Association (NBV). One of her research lines focuses on research integrity as experienced and enacted by researchers as well as academic editors and publishers. For this she was previously involved in Promoting integrity as an integral dimension of excellence in research (Printeger). She is also involved in the Leiden Ranking and European research infrastructure for science, technology and innovation policy studies 2 (RISIS2) projects, where she focuses on the networks between academic institutions and health science systems around the world.

Prof. Dr. Kris Dierickx

WP4 Member

KU Leuven

Prof. Dr. Kris Dierickx

Professor of biomedical ethics, staff member of the Centre for biomedical ethics and law, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven

Full professor of biomedical ethics and a staff member of the Centre for biomedical ethics and law, Faculty of Medicine (KU Leuven, Belgium). His research and publications focus on ethics in innovative medical technologies, ethics of research (integrity & misconduct), and research ethics. He published more than 200 peer reviewed papers. Kris Dierickx was a
also the coordinator of the EC funded FP6 project GeneBanC: Genetic bio and data Banking: Confidentiality and protection of data. Towards a European harmonisation and policy. He was partner in 13 EC funded projects and now involved in the following European projects: EnTIRE, Virt²ue, SOPS4RI, Organovir, Transys. Kris Dierickx is member of several ethics committees and of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine. Hence he is member
of the Committee of Scientific Integrity of the KU Leuven and of the team that teaches the mandatory course for all KU Leuven PhD researchers. He acts as a contractual ethics reviewer in the European Union for Horizon 2020 projects and ERC grants.
Full professor of biomedical ethics and a staff member of the Centre for biomedical ethics and law, Faculty of Medicine (KU Leuven, Belgium). His research and publications focus on ethics in innovative medical technologies, ethics of research (integrity & misconduct), and research ethics. He published more than 200 peer reviewed papers. Kris Dierickx was also the coordinator of the EC funded FP6 project GeneBanC: Genetic bio and data Banking: Confidentiality and protection of data. Towards a European harmonisation and policy. He was partner in 13 EC funded projects and now involved in the following European projects: EnTIRE, Virt²ue, SOPS4RI, Organovir, Transys. Kris Dierickx is member of several ethics committees and of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine. Hence he is member of the Committee of Scientific Integrity of the KU Leuven and of the team that teaches the mandatory course for all KU Leuven PhD researchers. He acts as a contractual ethics reviewer in the European Union for Horizon 2020 projects and ERC grants.

Nik Claesen

Project Partner

European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Nik Claesen

Managing Director, European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Nik Claesen is the Managing Director of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA). With EARMA he works to improve the quality of research support
throughout Europe by creating a network for professional development, best practice exchange and information exchange. He is a Belgian national living in the greater Brussels area and passionate about research support. He has a background in research administration and
more specifically in EU funded research for Brussels University (VUB) and bid consulting for Imperial College London. He holds master’s degrees in management and history.
Nik Claesen is the Managing Director of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA). With EARMA he works to improve the quality of research support throughout Europe by creating a network for professional development, best practice exchange and information exchange. He is a Belgian national living in the greater Brussels area and passionate about research support. He has a background in research administration and more specifically in EU funded research for Brussels University (VUB) and bid consulting for Imperial College London. He holds master’s degrees in management and history.

Borana Taraj

Project Partner

European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Borana Taraj

Project Manager, European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Borana Taraj is working as a Project Manager for EARMA on the topic of research ethics and integrity. She is in charge of the ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity’ (SOPs4RI)
project and the EARMA thematic group on Ethics and Research Integrity (ERION). A dual national of Albania and Italy, Borana is living as a convinced European citizen in Brussels since 2014. Professional experiences include several policy initiatives and European-funded projects in
research ethics and integrity (current position), energy and business environment for instance at the European University Association, Ernst & Young and the European Commission.
Borana Taraj is working as a Project Manager for EARMA on the topic of research ethics and integrity. She is in charge of the ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity’ (SOPs4RI) project and the EARMA thematic group on Ethics and Research Integrity (ERION). A dual national of Albania and Italy, Borana is living as a convinced European citizen in Brussels since 2014. Professional experiences include several policy initiatives and European-funded projects in research ethics and integrity (current position), energy and business environment for instance at the European University Association, Ernst & Young and the European Commission.

Zoё Hammatt, JD, MPhil

Member of the Advisory Board

Z Consulting, LLC; University of Hawaii

Zoё Hammatt, JD, MPhil

President, Z Consulting, LLC; Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine

Ms. Hammatt is a licensed attorney with a Master’s in Law and Ethics in Medicine from the University of Glasgow. She provides writing services and consultation in research integrity, and holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Hawaii medical school. She previously served as Director
of the Division of Education and Integrity at the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, Legal and Regulatory Specialist for an NIH‐funded Translational Research Network, and Director of the Research Integrity Program and Research Integrity Officer at the University of Hawaii. Ms. Hammatt has handled numerous cases of alleged misconduct and questionable
research practices and contributes to policy development and teaching in medical ethics and the responsible conduct of research. She is a founding member of the African and Asia Pacific Research Integrity networks. She has contributed to planning for the World Conferences on Research Integrity since 2014 and serves on the foundation’s Governing Board.
Ms. Hammatt is a licensed attorney with a Master’s in Law and Ethics in Medicine from the University of Glasgow. She provides writing services and consultation in research integrity, and holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Hawaii medical school. She previously served as Director of the Division of Education and Integrity at the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, Legal and Regulatory Specialist for an NIH‐funded Translational Research Network, and Director of the Research Integrity Program and Research Integrity Officer at the University of Hawaii. Ms. Hammatt has handled numerous cases of alleged misconduct and questionable research practices and contributes to policy development and teaching in medical ethics and the responsible conduct of research. She is a founding member of the African and Asia Pacific Research Integrity networks. She has contributed to planning for the World Conferences on Research Integrity since 2014 and serves on the foundation’s Governing Board.

Tony Mayer

Member of the Advisory Board

Nanyang Technological University

Tony Mayer

Research Integrity Officer at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Tony Mayer is an earth scientist. He conducted research at Leicester University and University College, London before pursuing a career in research management at the UK Natural Environment Research Council, in the International Ocean Drilling Program in the USA and later at the European Science Foundation (ESF) in Strasbourg. At ESF he was the Head of Strategy and later Head of the Chief Executive’s Office before becoming the
Director of the COST Office in Brussels. In 2007, he joined the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore and is currently the Research Integrity Adviser. He also acts as an adviser to other institutions. He was one of the initiators of the World Conferences in Research Integrity (WCRI) and served as the co-chair and co-organiser of the First (Lisbon 2007), Second (Singapore 2010) and Fifth (Amsterdam 2017) World Conferences. He was a member of a small drafting group for the Singapore Statement on Research
Integrity formulated at the second World Conference on Research Integrity and a member of the World Conferences on research Integrity Foundation. Within Europe, he served as Treasurer and Board member of EuroScience and as the Scientific Secretary of the European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) created by the European Commission to provide advice on EU research policy.
Tony Mayer is an earth scientist. He conducted research at Leicester University and University College, London before pursuing a career in research management at the UK Natural Environment Research Council, in the International Ocean Drilling Program in the USA and later at the European Science Foundation (ESF) in Strasbourg. At ESF he was the Head of Strategy and later Head of the Chief Executive’s Office before becoming the Director of the COST Office in Brussels. In 2007, he joined the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore and is currently the Research Integrity Adviser. He also acts as an adviser to other institutions. He was one of the initiators of the World Conferences in Research Integrity (WCRI) and served as the co-chair and co-organiser of the First (Lisbon 2007), Second (Singapore 2010) and Fifth (Amsterdam 2017) World Conferences. He was a member of a small drafting group for the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity formulated at the second World Conference on Research Integrity and a member of the World Conferences on research Integrity Foundation. Within Europe, he served as Treasurer and Board member of EuroScience and as the Scientific Secretary of the European Research Advisory Board (EURAB) created by the European Commission to provide advice on EU research policy.

Katie Metzler

Member of the Advisory Board

SAGE Publishing

Katie Metzler

Associate Vice President of Product Innovation

As Associate Vice President of Product Innovation at SAGE Publishing, a leading independent academic publisher, the expertise of Katie Metzler especially covers aspects of research integrity related to the publication of the outputs of research.
Katie Metzler has been working in publishing for over a decade, and in that time she has acted as commissioning editor for the world’s leading research methods book list at SAGE, which has given her a uniquely broad overview of research practices across disciplines in the social sciences.
In her role as Advisory Board member, she will pull together expertise across SAGE to represent the view of academic book and journal publishers, who occupy a central position in the academic research ecosystem.
As Associate Vice President of Product Innovation at SAGE Publishing, a leading independent academic publisher, the expertise of Katie Metzler especially covers aspects of research integrity related to the publication of the outputs of research. Katie Metzler has been working in publishing for over a decade, and in that time she has acted as commissioning editor for the world’s leading research methods book list at SAGE, which has given her a uniquely broad overview of research practices across disciplines in the social sciences. In her role as Advisory Board member, she will pull together expertise across SAGE to represent the view of academic book and journal publishers, who occupy a central position in the academic research ecosystem.

Drs. Daniel Pizzolato

WP4 Member

Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law. Ku Leuven

Drs. Daniel Pizzolato

KU Leuven Institutional/personal webpage
Daniel Pizzolato obtained a Master degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies (University of Padua-2006) and a Master degree in Bioethics (KU Leuven-2018). He has worked as research
assistant at the chemical engineering department at Politecnico di Milano and in the private sector as a pharmacist. He is a PhD candidate and works as a junior researcher at KU Leuven. He is also
involved in two European funded projects on the topic of research integrity and responsible conduct of research. Since September 2018, Daniel works on the EU-Project VIRT2UE and since September 2019 on the EU-Project SOPs4RI.
Daniel Pizzolato obtained a Master degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies (University of Padua-2006) and a Master degree in Bioethics (KU Leuven-2018). He has worked as research assistant at the chemical engineering department at Politecnico di Milano and in the private sector as a pharmacist. He is a PhD candidate and works as a junior researcher at KU Leuven. He is also involved in two European funded projects on the topic of research integrity and responsible conduct of research. Since September 2018, Daniel works on the EU-Project VIRT2UE and since September 2019 on the EU-Project SOPs4RI.

Dr. Anja Gilis

Member of the Advisory Board

Janssen Pharmaceutica n.v.

Dr. Anja Gilis

Janssen Pharmaceutica n.v.

Anja Gilis is global Preclinical Quality Risk Management Head for Janssen Research & Development. She holds a PhD degree in molecular biology from the university of Brussels.
Anja took up a lead role in streamlining and enhancing best practices on data integrity and traceability for non-regulated research across the Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, covering both internal and outsourced research and including the establishment of global guidelines, communication and training programs and a governance model.
Anja is also working within the context of IMI project EQIPD ( as workpackage co-lead on the development of a flexible and fit for purpose quality management system for non-regulated biomedical research.
Anja Gilis is global Preclinical Quality Risk Management Head for Janssen Research & Development. She holds a PhD degree in molecular biology from the university of Brussels. Anja took up a lead role in streamlining and enhancing best practices on data integrity and traceability for non-regulated research across the Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, covering both internal and outsourced research and including the establishment of global guidelines, communication and training programs and a governance model. Anja is also working within the context of IMI project EQIPD ( as workpackage co-lead on the development of a flexible and fit for purpose quality management system for non-regulated biomedical research.

Prof. George Gaskell

WP3, WP6, and WP7 Member

London School of Economics

George Gaskell BSc PhD

Research Methodology and Social Psychology London School of Economics

Graduated with 1st class honours in psychology and neuroscience at University College London and awarded a PhD in behavioural decision theory in 1973. Established the Department of Methodology at the LSE and was director for 10 years. Member of the Economic and Social Research Council UK Evaluation Committee (2006-2012) and Public Sector Services Research Panel (2004-2010). Vice-chair of the European Commission’s Science and Society Advisory Committee for the 6th FP (2003-2005); member of the Expert Group on Risk Communication of the European Food Standard Authority (2005-2012) and of the Science and Society Committee of the Royal Society, London (2004-2006).
In 2018 he received the Gago award for contributions to European Science Policy. He has made theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions in the social sciences. His research expertise includes survey methodology, experimental design and qualitative methods. He has extensive experience as a participant in EC funded research projects and in the coordination of major multi-country projects funded by the EC. He has published in social scientific journals and has brought social studies of science and technology to the scientific community with publications in Science, Nature, Nature Biotechnology and Nature Genetics Review. A text book on qualitative methods in the social sciences, edited with Martin Bauer, has been translated into Hebrew, Mandarin and Portuguese.
Currently, scientific director of LSE and Partners Consortium on Behavioural Science conducting complex studies to support evidence based policy making in the European Union. Recent projects have investigated tobacco health warnings; new tobacco products, energy labelling; environmental footprints; online gambling; transparency in online platforms and a new European pension scheme.
Graduated with 1st class honours in psychology and neuroscience at University College London and awarded a PhD in behavioural decision theory in 1973. Established the Department of Methodology at the LSE and was director for 10 years. Member of the Economic and Social Research Council UK Evaluation Committee (2006-2012) and Public Sector Services Research Panel (2004-2010). Vice-chair of the European Commission’s Science and Society Advisory Committee for the 6th FP (2003-2005); member of the Expert Group on Risk Communication of the European Food Standard Authority (2005-2012) and of the Science and Society Committee of the Royal Society, London (2004-2006). In 2018 he received the Gago award for contributions to European Science Policy. He has made theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions in the social sciences. His research expertise includes survey methodology, experimental design and qualitative methods. He has extensive experience as a participant in EC funded research projects and in the coordination of major multi-country projects funded by the EC. He has published in social scientific journals and has brought social studies of science and technology to the scientific community with publications in Science, Nature, Nature Biotechnology and Nature Genetics Review. A text book on qualitative methods in the social sciences, edited with Martin Bauer, has been translated into Hebrew, Mandarin and Portuguese. Currently, scientific director of LSE and Partners Consortium on Behavioural Science conducting complex studies to support evidence based policy making in the European Union. Recent projects have investigated tobacco health warnings; new tobacco products, energy labelling; environmental footprints; online gambling; transparency in online platforms and a new European pension scheme.

Prof. Anna Domaradzka

University of Warsaw

Prof. Anna Domaradzka

Assistant Professor and Director at Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies University of Warsaw

Anna Domaradzka, PhD, sociologist, Assistant Professor and Director at Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, head of the Civil City Lab. She specializes in intersectional and international comparative research in the areas of sociology of science, urban sociology, civil society and social movements, gender sociology and works in several international projects concerning urban cohesion, cultural heritage, civil society, social entrepreneurship and welfare state issues, as well as gender equality in public and private sphere.
Recent projects she’s engaged in include: Standard Research Procedures for Research Integrity (PI – SOPs4RI, H2020), Inclusive Science and European Democracies (PI – ISEED, H2020), Values in Crisis 2020, Right to the Smart City (PI – National Science Centre), Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse (PI – CLIC, H2020), Gender Equality at the University (GENDEQU, Norway grants), World Values Survey 2005, 2012, 2017, Welfare Innovations at the Local Level in Favour of Cohesion (WILCO, 7FP).
She’s a Member Board of Directors of International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) and Board member of Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48) of International Sociological Association (ISA) as well as regular member of European Sociological Association (RN14, RN25, RN37) and European Urban Research Association (EURA). She also serves as a member of the editorial board for the Voluntas journal.
Anna Domaradzka, PhD, sociologist, Assistant Professor and Director at Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, head of the Civil City Lab. She specializes in intersectional and international comparative research in the areas of sociology of science, urban sociology, civil society and social movements, gender sociology and works in several international projects concerning urban cohesion, cultural heritage, civil society, social entrepreneurship and welfare state issues, as well as gender equality in public and private sphere. Recent projects she’s engaged in include: Standard Research Procedures for Research Integrity (PI – SOPs4RI, H2020), Inclusive Science and European Democracies (PI – ISEED, H2020), Values in Crisis 2020, Right to the Smart City (PI – National Science Centre), Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse (PI – CLIC, H2020), Gender Equality at the University (GENDEQU, Norway grants), World Values Survey 2005, 2012, 2017, Welfare Innovations at the Local Level in Favour of Cohesion (WILCO, 7FP). She’s a Member Board of Directors of International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) and Board member of Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48) of International Sociological Association (ISA) as well as regular member of European Sociological Association (RN14, RN25, RN37) and European Urban Research Association (EURA). She also serves as a member of the editorial board for the Voluntas journal.